
Hello- Life Science Students!
     I wanted to touch on one thing before discussing content today- I wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed being your teacher this year. Getting to know you and spend each day with you as you learned to navigate middle school was a privilege. You all make me laugh and give me new ideas all the time. You are bright, thoughtful, problem solvers and teach me so much. Thank you for the honor of being your teacher😭. 

 However, just like I told you on the first day of class- we work until the end of May 😎. So, I will be posting content whether it be notes, articles, or even pictures of Butterscotch until the official end of the year. You can count on me. Participate as much as you would like

Please click this link to practice identifying some Plant Parts and solving a mystery! This is a practice link to see if you still remember all of the parts we talked about during our dissection. 

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